Microsoft, Redmond, WA.

  • Drawdown is inspired by the way we experience weather slowly eroding the shape of the landscape around us. In the high desert near the Colorado-Utah boarder, Grade discovered an unusually large and precariously balanced boulder of sandstone. The stem connecting this boulder with the rock below it was slender, similar in scale to the human torso. The scale of the balancing rock was large enough to provided shelter from the sun below it. Grade explored the shape and space inside of this geological shape through photogrammetric capture and holographic simulation. The arching form of Drawdown bridges two concrete mantles. On one side the sculpture creates an enclosure for people to gather and on the other side there is a smaller cavity drawn specifically from the negative space inside the sandstone stem that served as a catalyst for the sculpture.


    Drawdown, Microsoft collection, 15120 NE 40th Street, Redmond (WA). 2018. Alaskan Yellow Cedar and Purpleheart, 11’ H x 14’ x 7’.


Microsoft, Redmond, WA.

Drawdown is inspired by the way we experience weather slowly eroding the shape of the landscape around us. In the high desert near the Colorado-Utah boarder, Grade discovered an unusually large and precariously balanced boulder of sandstone. The stem connecting this boulder with the rock below it was slender, similar in scale to the human torso. The scale of the balancing rock was large enough to provided shelter from the sun below it. Grade explored the shape and space inside of this geological shape through photogrammetric capture and holographic simulation. The arching form of Drawdown bridges two concrete mantles. On one side the sculpture creates an enclosure for people to gather and on the other side there is a smaller cavity drawn specifically from the negative space inside the sandstone stem that served as a catalyst for the sculpture.


Drawdown, Microsoft collection, 15120 NE 40th Street, Redmond (WA). 2018. Alaskan Yellow Cedar and Purpleheart, 11’ H x 14’ x 7’.



BURN / Anchorage Museum, AK.


LA CHASSE / Valenciennes, France